Moderators Exchange Briefcase - 4th Dec 2017

At the 151st annual Synod AGM, Rev Nyalle Paris was officailly inducted as the new Moderator of the Presbyterian Synod of Otago & Southland, taking over the role from Rev Peter Dunn.

Peter Dunn symbollically recieved the briefcase one year ago, as a 'passing of the baton' from past Moderator John Daniel one year ago.

Now he has passed the same briefcase on to Nyalle Paris.

Nyalle will also be the first Synod Moderator to serve a two-year term instead of the previous one-year term served by former Synod Moderators.

A motion was passed at the AGM for Synod Moderators to serve a two year term to align them more with the two year terms served by the Presbytery and National Church Moderators.


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