Whānau Friendly Process

Dear colleagues in ministry,
We are excited to bring you a project we have been working on for quite some time now...the Whānau Friendly Process!
In partnership with PYM (Presbyterian Youth Ministry), we have developed a process wherein the whole church whānau is invited to journey together to discover ministry priorities that will help to better form faith within all ages.
The Whānau Friendly Process is an intentional journey anchored with teaching and reflection sessions for all ages to engage in together. It fosters an understanding of the collective power of the congregation discipling young people - together.
Our dream is for the local church to be a place where all generations are present: thriving, encouraging one another, and growing in faith, together.
We believe the Whānau Friendly Process could be a "next step" for your church in treasuring the children, youth, and families in your midst!
We invite you to visit our website dedicated to information about the process: The Whānau Friendly Process - Whānau Friendly (whanaufriendly.org.nz)
For a quick look, check out our Whānau Friendly promo video
Please be in touch if you have any questions: robin@presbyterian.org.nz or karo@presbyterian.org.nz
Ngā mihi,
Robin Humphreys & Karo Wilson
Presbyterian Children & Families Ministry team