Youth Ministry Training Grows! - 11th Mar 2017

On Saturday 11th March at Calvin Church in Gore, 130 youth leaders from across Otago & Southland gathered together to receive training and be encouraged in the area of youth ministry.

Of the 130 youth leaders approximately 60 were from Presbyterian churches and the rest were a mix from a wide range of denominations and churches.

The huge mix of churches present is what makes re:Gen so special.

Gordon Fitch and Matt Chamberlin, both from PYM (Presbyterian Youth Ministry NZ) were the keynote speakers [filling in at the last minute for Gary Grut from the national Baptist Youth Ministry team].

They spoke well and challenged us all. We had a fantastic range of workshops presented by experienced folk from Scripture Union, Presbyterian Youth Ministries, Salvation Armey, World Vision, Bible Society, and more.

The highlight of the day was the time set aside for connecting with youth leaders from other churches from across Otago & Southland.

Mealtime conversations saw a mixture of leaders from different contexts sitting around the table, sharing stories, getting to know each other, and picking each other’s brains for new ideas.

If you need some inspiration and want to get a picture of hope for the good work that God is doing amongst our young people through lots of faithful youth leaders, then come to re:Gen in 2018! 

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