Kaikorai Presbyterian Church and Community Hub
Dunedin 9010
New Zealand
Sunday 10am
First Sunday of the Month - Night Church
Food and Fellowship 6.30pm Service 7pm
Our church community is a wonderful group of people of all ages depicting all aspects of society. They are loving and compassionate and accepting. Our aim is to serve the community and so we have a group of people who give generously, of their time and energy.
Our worship services are led by a vibrant band and worship leaders. We have a rostered system of preachers who bring the message each week, which works really well. We celebrate all the church festivals and decorate the church accordingly.
Our outreach to the community involves Men's Group on the first Friday of the month from 2pm - 3.30pm, Music and Movement every Wednesday of school term from 10 am -11.30 am, Steady As You Go-exercise class for seniors Thursdays 10.30 am - 11.30 am, Coffee, Cake and Chat every third Wednesday of the month from 2pm - 3.30 pm and `Kaikorai Youth' Yr 7-13 Friday 7-9pm.
For community-related events at Kaikorai please email kaikoraihub@gmail.com
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